Monday 2 July 2012

How to Order/ Make Booking:

Step 1:
Copy and fill in the Order Form as below, submit to or via Facebook Inbox.

Order Form
Name :
Address :
Email Address :
Contact number :

For Rental
1. Items Name :
Quantity :
Date of Event :
Note: (If any..)

For Other Services
1. Items/Package Name:Date of Event :
Note: (If any...)

Step 2:
We will send you a confirmation email of the order together with the services details and total amount. 

Step 3:
After customer agreed and satisfied, Deposit can be made via Maybank2u or via bank transfer and pls notify us by sending an sms/email after payment had made.
(Note : Do provide us with your transfer/payment details)

Step 4:
We will reply a confirmation sms/email after payment received together with agreed services information.
* Please bank in the actual total amount (Deposit/advanced payment).For any enquiries, please drop us at Facebook Inbox or email us at 
SMS/Call us personally at
♥ Sazy (012-3661104)
♥ Lieza (012-2419051)

mbb acct #;

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